Whats going on! Newspaper

The Bank of Dreams and Nightmares present, whats going on! - An exciting, ground-breaking feat of journalism fuelled entirely by children. These are a select few of the illustrations commissioned to stand alongside the children’s outstanding articles.


By Merry Allen

The Tonga volcano was one of the worst volcanos in Tonga history. It was so powerful that it caused earthquakes, tsunamis and massive eruptions.This volcano is interesting not just because it is well, a volcano but because it had so many other affects which lead to stories like a disabled man who was swept away from one of the tsunamis but managed to stay afloat for 24 hours. Or a church that was practically floating , or the fact that the volcano might lower the global temperature. One of the amazing things about the Tonga volcano is that there were only 3 reported deaths with is very low. Manny town were flooded because of the tsunami made from the volcano, one of the towns had all towns people in the local church where the sides started to flood. After several wet hours they were all saved.

The longer volcano is such an interesting story witch new papers could probably make for years. With all the stores and facts the longer volcano could probably have its own newspaper.

Google Captures Criminal

By Enid Best & Tally Dempsey

A mafia fugitive caught after being on the run for more than 20 years. The fugitive was caught after being caught on Google Street View in Spain.

Gioaccio Gammino 61, was lying low in a place near Madrid. A photo on Facebook confirmed his identity. He was found by a distinctive scar on his chin. Google Street View caught Gioaccio Gammino chatting outside a fruit shop. He was going by the name of Manuel. According to italy's la Repubblica newspaper he had previously worked in a restaurant la cucina de Manu. So that might be where he got the fake name and Street View shows him outside another establishment bearing his fake name. El huerto de Manu or manu's orchard. Gioaccio was the boss of the stidda mafia group in argigento Sicily. He managed to escape prison in 2002 and a year later he was sentenced to life in prison for murder. He evaded capture since. After his 17th December arrest Gioaccio reportedly told police “how did you find me? I haven't phoned my family in 10 years”

The British Way

A Poem By Mani Chalmers

She’d always loved the sound of shoes on cobblestones

The rythmetic clip clop that had made her feel so accomplished, so important

But the night shrunk her, age became her

And the shoes overwhelmed

The cobblestone streets that had painted pretty pictures in her mind

Now suffocated

Shadowed figures grew, the moon hid her face behind the clouds

Refusing to watch again

The shoes stayed on refusing to accept defeat

A whisper of warning from an onlooking crow grew in intensity

But the stones had turned against her

Apologetically smiling

Watching on in hidden amusement as the figures whisked her away

Left behind was the shoes of her past

The innocence of her youth

Now an overgrowing memory


Happy cards

